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FWX Taboo Talks: Self-Love

WHEN: Monday, February 13 - 7-8:30pm ET
WHERE: Virtual
WHO: FWX Alumna + special guests

We invite you to join us for our special Winter Fire FWX Taboo Talks series.

Our impact in the world is directly proportional to our courage to dive into our stickiest issues and the things in our lives which we do not allow ourselves to talk about - with ourselves and/or with others. Across 3 virtual sessions facilitated by Victoria Foster and FWX Alumna and Choose Love’s Instigator emilie boggis, alongside special guests, we invite courageous conversations on the winter fire taboos of self-love, sensuality and anger. Together, we shed new light and power on what may have been perceived as darkness. 

It is hard to fully love others, if we do not fully love ourselves. 

On the eve of Valentines Day, we focus on the most radical love of all - our self-love. Guided by Victoria Foster and emilie boggis, we will kick-off our Winter Series by exploring the margins of ourselves and identifying the Taboos in our hearts, minds and souls.

Interested? Sign-up on eventbrite here