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FWX FuturesLab

WHEN: May 14 (morning PT / lunchtime ET / early evening EMEA)
WHERE: Virtual
WHO: FWX Global Alumna and special guests

How we look at the future, impacts today. We use the future everyday: we predict, we dream, we fear. Yet we know very little about how. As the world re-emerges, we have a greenfield opportunity to challenge the modus operandi and build forward more consciously.

We have created this special FuturesLab to bring together hand-selected tribe members with unique perspectives to gain unforeseen perspectives on the future and to build your capacity in Futures Literacy.

At an individual and collective level, we know that we cannot go back - what got us here will not take us forward. If there was ever a time to learn from the future, it is now! 

To request your place, please email