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FWX Fall Series Masterclass Session with Dr. Tukiya Kankasa-Mabula

WHEN: Monday, November 9, 11:30am-1:00 pm EDT / 5:30-7:00pm CEST
WHERE: Virtual
WHO: FutureWomenX Global Alumna and Special Guests

‘Knock and the door shall be opened unto you’, goes the old saying. Except when you’re a woman. When the door opens a teeny crack, women have found ways to push the door all the way open, kick the door down or create new doors altogether to allow women to enter. In this Masterclass, Tukiya will share her journey in opening doors for women across Zambia and Sub-Sahara Africa by creating and leveraging new and oftentimes unexpected platforms in her roles in academia, the corporate world and the public sector - most recently as the Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Zambia. She will guide us in the art of possibility and what it means to open doors - challenging us to see with fresh eyes, to think beyond and reimagine ourselves and our roles within a current operating context to drive powerful change for the future. 

Dr. Tukiya Kankasa-Mabula is a lawyer, educator, board member, advocate and policy shaper for inclusive finance, gender equality and women’s leadership. She served as the Deputy Governor Administration at the Bank of Zambia until December 2019, using this platform to shift country policy on access to finance for women in Zambia and across a network of African central banks. Much of her life’s work has been committed to human rights and the emancipation of women and girls, most recently through women’s financial and digital inclusion and elevating women in leadership. Tukiya was named International Woman Lawyer of the Year by the International Bar Association in 2014. She is a FWX Alumna and was the driving force behind FWX’s cross-sectoral Female Focus on Financial Inclusion Expedition and follow-up Masterclass in Zambia and was part of our Wise Women Warriors in Gender Finance Retreat in Dubai 2019.